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Give your portfolio the jump-start it deserves
with  marketing support

Invest with confidence:
Unleash the Marketing potential of your startup portfolio

You’ve heard a million pitches. You’ve invested in a chosen few. What now? How can you make sure your startups fulfill their potential and more importantly - duck avoidable mistakes? 


Enter Portfolio Marketing Support. We provide ongoing marketing support to your portfolio companies, assisting them in developing and executing effective marketing strategies. We help startups refine their messaging, optimize their marketing channels, and enhance their overall marketing performance.


Early stage startups: we’ll coach your startups to make sure they optimize marketing from the very first line of code they write. That their brand manifests in a tighter-looking product, that their viral coefficient is understood and measured, that they’re gaining SEO traction even while they’re still in stealth, and of course - that they’re prepared and professional towards launch day, customers, additional funding rounds and beyond. 


Due Diligence Marketing Audit: We’ll assist you in conducting thorough due diligence on startups' marketing efforts during the investment evaluation process. By evaluating the startup's marketing infrastructure, strategies, and results, we provide you with valuable insights to make informed investment decisions.


Branding and Positioning mentoring: We’ll assist startups in your portfolio with their brand strategy, helping them develop a strong brand identity, positioning, and messaging that resonates with their target audience. We support startups in creating a compelling brand story and establishing themselves as thought leaders in their industry.


Marketing Performance Tracking: We help you monitor and track the marketing performance of your portfolio companies. We provide regular reports and analytics to assess the effectiveness of marketing initiatives and identify areas for improvement.


Marketing Training: We conduct marketing training sessions and workshops for startups in your portfolio to enhance their marketing capabilities. We cover topics such as digital marketing, content creation, social media marketing, and marketing analytics.


Investor Reporting and Communication: We assist you in developing effective investor reporting templates and communication materials for your portfolio companies. We help startups present their marketing performance and growth milestones to investors in a clear and compelling manner.

Q: What is the main benefit of hiring external portfolio Marketing support?

A: We get startups. We were startup founders ourselves. We know what you need them to get done, but we also know their perspective all too well.

Also, we're objective and external to both sides. Unlike in-house marketers who may be entangled in politics or organizational biases, we focus solely on delivering marketing results, offering unbiased feedback, guidance, and training to your portfolio.


Q: How do you collaborate with other stakeholders, such as the startup's internal team, other service providers, or external agencies?

A: We foster strong collaboration with all relevant stakeholders. We work closely with the startup's internal team, and if there are other service providers or external agencies involved, we collaborate and coordinate to ensure a unified and optimized approach.


Q: Do you provide guidance on marketing budget and resource allocation?

A: Yes. We analyze the startup's marketing needs, goals, and available budget to develop a comprehensive plan that ensures the most effective and responsible utilization of resources. And remember - we're external to both parties, which means 100% transparency, objectiveness and peace of mind to all involved.


Q: As a partner/associate, what level of involvement will I have in the marketing strategies developed by and with my startups?

A: you will have a collaborative role in the marketing strategies' creation. We'll work closely with you to align with the overall business objectives of the startups in your portfolio. Having said that, all heavy lifting is on us and off your desk, leaving you to spend time on the important stuff.


Q: Can you help startups in my portfolio with investor communications and pitch deck refinement?

A: Yes. We understand the importance of presenting a compelling story and conveying the value proposition effectively. We provide guidance and support in refining pitch decks and crafting investor communication materials to help startups make a strong impression.


Q: Do you work with startups at different stages of growth, from seed stage to later-stage startups?

A: Absolutely! We work with startups at all stages of growth.


Q: Can you provide guidance on metrics and KPIs to measure the marketing performance of my startups?

A: Yes. We help startups identify relevant metrics, set measurable goals, and establish tracking mechanisms to evaluate the effectiveness of their marketing campaigns.


Q: Can your provide case studies or references from startups they have worked with in the past?

A: Absolutely! We can provide case studies and references from startups we have worked with in the past. These real-world examples demonstrate our expertise in helping startups achieve their marketing goals and drive business success.



Boost your confidence and make informed decisions for your startup's growth

"Empire broke down complex concepts into simple, actionable steps, which made implementing the plan a breeze. Their support and guidance throughout the process was invaluable, and I'm thrilled with the results"

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